
Kids will Enjoy Playground Upgrades at Two City Parks

Playground upgrades will have kids swinging, climbing & spinning at 2 City parks

February 5, 2021

Playground upgrades will have kids swinging, 
climbing & spinning at two City parks

Playground upgrades and new equipment at two Port St. Lucie parks are helping to fulfill the City's strategic goal to bring culture, nature and fun activities to the City.

Visitors to Charles E. Ray Park can now enjoy a new, state of the art playground that encourages group play and coordination for children of all ages and abilities. Across the City, renovations will soon be complete at Sportman's Park, which also includes elements for all ages.

Colorful and inviting, the playground at Charles E. Ray Park was funded at $295,000 and approved in the FY 19/20 Parks Capital Improvement Plan. Demolition of the former playground, located at 5626 NW Manville Dr., began in late September 2020, along with another playground at Sportsman’s Park.

“What a welcome sight it is to visit Charles E. Ray Park today and see the many young (and not so young) families enjoying the new playground and its amenities,” said Sherman Conrad, Director, City of Port St. Lucie Parks & Recreation Department. “The support from our City management and City Council has allowed us to update our facilities and parks and to offer cutting-edge sensory and inclusive features like those celebrated in the new playground at Charles E. Ray Park today.”

For children ages 2-5, the playground features a main structure that provides agile and exploratory activities to enhance children’s holistic development. It also includes:

  • Play panels that stimulate sensory, cognitive and motor skills, and challenging climbing and sliding elements
  • Triple springer for group play and coordination, as well as a single springer for individual thrills
  • Spinning spica that can be used alone or by multiple children

For children ages 5-12, there is a larger structure that features a tall slide, curly climber, climbing ropes and a wobbly bridge that’s sure to bring fun and plenty of imaginative play! It also includes:

  • Supernova and tipi carousel, Kompan’s most popular spinning activities
  • Starsurfer, where children can practice their sense of balance and coordination

Sportsman’s Park is anticipated to open in early March 2021 and is funded at $732,000 and is approved in the FY 19/20 Parks Capital Improvement Plan to include a $250,000 grant from the Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program.

A large, challenging climbing dome will be the centerpiece of this park, set atop the signature Port St. Lucie sunburst.

There are many thrilling elements, including spinning activities, climbing, slides, swings and coordination and balance challenges. Sportsman’s Park also will feature a state-of-the-art outdoor fitness area that includes cardio equipment and calisthenics and space for stretching.