Swim Squad with Deni Gillespie teaches kids and adults to swim or swim better and to swim longer and faster, with less effort. Through our proven swim system of utilizing the breath, brain and body, our swimmers enjoy moving through the water like never before. Our unique system teaches greater body awareness and coordination, builds strong, supple muscles and flexible joints, strengthens your heart and lungs and promotes relaxation, stress relief and a great night’s sleep.
Swim Squad sessions are offered on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at Ravenswood Pool, 400 SW Ravenswood Lane in Port St. Lucie, 34983. Contact Coach Deni if you would like to join after the start date displayed in the flyer below as she is happy to welcome students even after the sessions have begun.
Register online today at https://denigillespie.com.
For more info please call 772-285-5917 or email coachgillespie@gmail.com.